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Matched provisions

Note: This provision is in an Act as passed or an SL as made.

Fragment No Year First Valid Date
Trustee Companies Act 1968 - 77 Filing and passing accounts 56 1968 2012-11-22
Petroleum Act 1923 - 77 Submissions by coal or oil shale exploration tenement holder 26 1923 2021-11-02
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008 - 77 Moving contravening property 46 2008 2017-07-03
State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Act 1996 - 77 [Repealed] 29 1996 2013-09-23
Classification of Computer Games and Images Act 1995 - 77 Classification applying to particular films 17 1995 2017-06-05
Succession Act 1981 - 77 Definitions for division 69 1981 2020-05-25
Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003 - 77 Park owner may make park rules 74 2003 2022-05-01
Classification of Films Act 1991 - 77 Applications for exemption under s 57 77 1991 2017-06-05
Sugar Industry Act 1999 - 77 [Repealed] 51 1999 2021-06-18
Maintenance Regulations 1967 - 77 Provisional orders mr 1967 1979-01-01
Jury Act 1995 - 77 Jury Act 1929 references 42 1995 2017-03-30
Constitution of Queensland 2001 - 77 Procedure for Bill affecting a local government 80 2001 2020-03-19
Water Plan (Gulf) 2007 - 77 Conditions giving effect to rules 268 2007 2017-09-02
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 - 77 Memorials to be entered of permits etc. determined etc. 22 1982 2012-01-30
Transport Operations (Marine Pollution) Act 1995 - 77 Entry to place by authorised officers 2 1995 2019-09-12
Peace and Good Behaviour Act 1982 - 77 Noncompliance with stop and desist notice taken to be evidence of fortification 67 1982 2020-05-25
Trusts Act 1973 - 77 Power of court to make beneficiary indemnify for breach of trust 24 1973 2017-11-24
Childrens Court Rules 2016 - 77 Power to amend 92 2016 2022-04-30
Water Plan (Moreton) 2007 - 77 Decisions about taking groundwater 31 2007 2020-10-02
Tattoo Industry Act 2013 - 77 [Expired] 46 2013 2019-03-10
Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (Queensland) Act 2005 - 77 [Repealed] welsqa 2005 2014-09-26
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 - 77 Land Court’s hearing 79 2003 2018-11-09
Offshore Minerals Act 1998 - 77 How to apply 10 1998 2013-11-01
Financial Intermediaries Act 1996 - 77 Copies of rules 23 1996 2012-01-30
Civil Liability Act 2003 - 77 Jury trials 16 2003 2020-03-02
Electricity Act 1994 - 77 [Repealed] 64 1994 2019-05-24
Statutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Act 1982 - 77 [Repealed] 33 1982 2013-09-23
Water Resource (Whitsunday) Plan 2010 - 77 Purpose to be stated on water licence to take groundwater 17 2010 2016-12-06
Fossicking Act 1994 - 77 Powers of authorised officer 63 1994 2019-03-29
Evidence and Discovery Act 1867 - 77 [Repealed] 13 1867 2000-11-17
Partnership Act 1891 - 77 Registration of incorporated limited partnership 7 1891 2012-05-28
Marine Parks (Great Barrier Reef Coast) Zoning Plan 2004 - 77 [Expired] 240 2004 2021-01-01
Transport Operations (Marine Pollution) Regulation 2018 - 77 Procedure for urgent suspension of approvals 106 2018 2020-07-01
Native Title (Queensland) Act 1993 - 77 [Repealed] 85 1993 2014-05-28
Corporations (Queensland) Act 1990 - 77 Arrangements relating to applicable provisions 98 1990 2020-12-01
Water Plan (Mary Basin) 2006 - 77 [Repealed] 192 2006 2017-07-03
Marine Parks (Great Sandy) Zoning Plan 2017 - 77 Limited crabbing 155 2017 2021-01-01
Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2019 - 77 Conditions on accreditation of agreement 175 2019 2021-09-01
Food Production (Safety) Regulation 2014 - 77 Receiving dairy produce for processing 197 2014 2022-05-08
Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 - 77 Structure supporting electric line or equipment to comply with wiring rules 213 2013 2022-06-17
Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Regulation 2014 - 77 Refusal of entry to, or expulsion from, places where relevant test may be taken 126 2014 2022-06-17
Weapons Regulation 2016 - 77 Visitor’s licence—Act, s 12(k) 131 2016 2022-06-17
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Act 2013 - 77 Applying ALA, s 187 (Amending trustee (Aboriginal) lease) 2 2013 2022-07-01
Body Corporate and Community Management (Commercial Module) Regulation 2020 - 77 Purpose of chapter [SM, s 119] 230 2020 2022-07-01
Body Corporate and Community Management (Accommodation Module) Regulation 2020 - 77 Notice of general meetings [SM, s 87] 229 2020 2022-07-01
Body Corporate and Community Management (Small Schemes Module) Regulation 2020 - 77 Disclosure of commission, payment or other benefit [SM, s 156] 231 2020 2022-07-01
Body Corporate and Community Management (Standard Module) Regulation 2020 - 77 Functions and powers 233 2020 2022-07-01
Private Health Facilities Act 1999 - 77 Surrender of licences 60 1999 2021-01-01
Petroleum and Gas (Royalty) Regulation 2021 - 77 Existing decision by revenue commissioner for benchmark price to apply—liquid petroleum 124 2021 2022-05-13
Water Plan (Fitzroy Basin) 2011 - 77 Limitations on interference with water 283 2011 2022-09-02