Transport (Rail Safety) (Fatigue Management) Amendment Regulation 2017

Queensland Crest

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Transport (Rail Safety) (Fatigue Management) Amendment Regulation 2017.

2Regulation amended

This regulation amends the Transport (Rail Safety) Regulation 2010.

3Amendment of s 18A (Definitions for division)

Section 18A, definition drive

4Amendment of s 19B (Standard work hours and rest periods)

(1)Section 19B(2) to (4)—
omit, insert—
(2)The following work scheduling practices and procedures apply if the train driver drives a freight train—
(a)in the case of a 2 driver operation where the second driver is a qualified train driver, including a qualified train driver who is learning a route or undergoing an assessment—the maximum shift length to be worked is 12 hours;
(b)in the case of a 1 driver operation—the maximum shift length to be worked is 9 hours.
(3)The following work scheduling practices and procedures apply if the train driver drives a passenger train—
(a)for a passenger train in suburban service—
(i)the maximum shift length to be worked is 9 hours irrespective of whether it is a 1 or 2 driver operation; and
(ii)the maximum period of time during any shift that the driver may drive the train is 8 hours;
(b)for any other passenger train—
(i)if it is a 2 driver operation and the second driver is a qualified train driver, including a qualified train driver who is learning a route or undergoing an assessment—the maximum shift length to be worked is 12 hours; or
(ii)if it is a 1 driver operation—the maximum shift length to be worked is 9 hours.
(2)Section 19B(7)—
suburban service, for a passenger train, means a service that starts and ends in the SEQ area within the meaning of the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994, section 62AAA(2).

5Amendment of sch 5 (Dictionary)

Schedule 5, definition drive