Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation No. 77

Effective Date Publication Date Amendments Included Notes
10 February 2014 2014 SL No. 9
29 September 2014 21 November 2016 2014 SL No. 216
17 December 2015 17 December 2015 2015 SL No. 188

RA s 27

06 February 2016 01 June 2017 2015 SL No. 188

RA s 27

01 July 2017 14 May 2018 2017 SL No. 113

RA s 44

01 July 2018 06 July 2018 2018 SL No. 89
01 October 2018 14 October 2019 2018 SL No. 151
10 December 2019 11 December 2019 2019 SL No. 238
28 February 2020 28 February 2020 2020 SL No. 19
22 February 2021 23 July 2021 2021 SL No. 9
12 April 2024 12 April 2024 2024 SL No. 36

The Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation is a law of Queensland under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (Queensland). It is intended a new reprint of the National Regulation will be prepared by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel when any change in the National Regulation takes effect.

Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Amendment Regulation 2014 SL No. 9

published on the NSW legislation website in accordance with Pt 6A of the Interpretation Act 1987 of NSW on 31 January 2014

ss 1–2 commenced on date of publication

remaining provisions commenced 9 February 2014 (see s 2)

Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Amendment Regulation 2014 SL No. 216

published on the NSW legislation website in accordance with Pt 6A of the Interpretation Act 1987 of NSW on 26 September 2014

ss 1–2 commenced on date of publication

remaining provisions commenced 29 September 2014 (see s 2)

Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation 2013 SL No. 77

Made by the Queensland Governor, as defined under s 730(5) of the Heavy Vehicle National Law, acting with the advice of the Executive Council of Queensland on 30 May 2013

published on the NSW legislation website in accordance with Pt 6A of the Interpretation Act 1987 of NSW on 31 May 2013

ss 1–2 commenced on date of publication

remaining provisions commenced 10 February 2014 (see s 2 and 2014 SL No. 5)

Heavy Vehicle National Amendment Regulation 2015 SL No. 188

notfd 30 June 2017

published on the NSW legislation website in accordance with Pt 6A of the Interpretation Act 1987 of NSW on 17 December 2015

ss 1–2, 19–20, 25–26 comm on date of publication

remaining provisions commenced 6 February 2016 (see s 2(1) and 2015 SL No. 186)

Heavy Vehicle National Amendment Regulation 2017 SL No. 113

notfd 30 June 2017

published on the NSW legislation website in accordance with Pt 6A of the Interpretation Act 1987 of NSW on 30 June 2017

ss 1, 2(2) comm on date of publication

pts 3–5 comm 1 July 2017 on the commencement of the Heavy Vehicle National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2016, s 114 (see s 2(2) and 2017 SL No. 102)

Heavy Vehicle National Legislation Amendment Regulation 2018 SL No. 89

notfd 22 June 2018

published on the NSW legislation website in accordance with Part 6A of the Interpretation Act 1987 of NSW on 22 June 2018

ss 1–2 comm on date of publication

pts 2–4 comm 1 July 2018 (see s 2)

Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Amendment Regulation 2018 SL No. 151

notfd 25 September 2018

published on the NSW legislation website in accordance with Pt 6A of the Interpretation Act 1987 of NSW on 25 September 2018

ss 1–2 comm on date of publication

ss 3–6 comm 1 October 2018, immediately after the commencement of the Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Act 2018, section 12 (see s 2)

Heavy Vehicle National Amendment Regulation 2019 SL No. 238

notfd 29 November 2019

published on the NSW legislation website in accordance with Part 6A of the Interpretation Act 1987 of NSW on 29 November 2019

pt 2 comm 10 December 2019 (see s 2)

Heavy Vehicle National Legislation Amendment Regulation 2020 SL No. 19

notfd 21 February 2020

published on the NSW legislation website in accordance with Part 6A of the Interpretation Act 1987 of NSW on 21 February 2020

pt 2 comm 28 February 2020 (see s 2)

Heavy Vehicle National Legislation Amendment Regulation 2021 SL No. 9

notfd 12 February 2021

published on the NSW legislation website in accordance with Part 6A of the Interpretation Act 1987 of NSW on 12 February 2021

pt 2 comm 22 February 2021 (see s 2 (1))

Heavy Vehicle National Legislation Amendment Regulation 2024 SL No. 36

notfd 12 April 2024

published on the NSW legislation website in accordance with Pt 6A of the Interpretation Act 1987 of NSW on 12 April 2024

pt 2 comm 12 April 2024 (see s 2)

Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Amendment Regulation 2024 SL No. 201

notfd 06 September 2024

ss 3–14 comm 1 November 2024 (see s 2)

This is a consolidated list of all history notes in this reprint. Show or hide the list by using the Turn history notes on/off button at the top of the page. The complete list can be printed (Ctrl-P) from the screen when the history notes are turned on.

s 3 def axle group ins 2018 SL No. 89 s 11 (1)

s 3 def complying anti-lock braking system ins 2018 SL No. 89 s 11 (1)

amd 2019 SL No. 238 s 4 (2)

s 3 def complying steer axle vehicle ins 2015 SL No. 188 s 19 (1)

amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 11 (2)

s 3 def eligible 2-axle bus ins 2018 SL No. 89 s 11 (1)

s 3 def eligible 3-axle bus ins 2019 SL No. 238 s 4 (1)

s 3 def eligible electronic braking system ins 2018 SL No. 89 s 11 (1)

amd 2019 SL No. 238 s 4 (3)

s 3 def front articulation point amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 11 (3)

s 3 def HML declaration amd 2015 SL No. 188 s 19 (2)

s 3 def HML permit amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 11 (4)

s 3 def one tonne tri-axle mass transfer allowance ins 2014 SL No. 216 s 4

s 3 def relevant accreditation label om 2017 SL No. 113 s 10

s 3 def steer axle mass exception limits om 2015 SL No. 188 s 19 (3)

s 3 def tag trailer ins 2018 SL No. 89 s 11 (1)

s 3 def UN ECE Regulation ins 2015 SL No. 188 s 19 (1)

s 5A ins 2019 SL No. 238 s 5

s 5B ins 2024 SL No. 36 s 4

s 6 amd 2014 SL No. 216 s 5

s 7 amd 2014 SL No. 216 s 6; 2015 SL No. 188 s 20

s 8 amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 12

s 9 amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 13

pt 2 div 2 hdg om 2017 SL No. 113 s 11

s 11 om 2017 SL No. 113 s 11

s 15 amd 2015 SL No. 188 s 21

s 15A ins 2015 SL No. 188 s 22

amd 2017 SL No. 113 s 12

s 17 amd 2017 SL No. 113 s 13

s 18 amd 2017 SL No. 113 s 14

s 19 amd 2017 SL No. 113 s 15

pt 2 div 3 sdiv 3 hdg om 2017 SL No. 113 s 16

s 36 amd 2015 SL No. 188 s 23

om 2017 SL No. 113 s 16

s 38 sub 2018 SL No. 151 s 4

pt 8 hdg ins 2015 SL No. 188 s 24

s 46 ins 2015 SL No. 188 s 24

sch 1 s 2 amd 2014 SL No. 9 s 4; 2015 SL No. 188 s 25 (1); 2018 SL No. 89 s 14; 2019 SL No. 238 s 6

sch 1 s 5 amd 2015 SL No. 188 s 25 (2)

sch 1 pt 2 amd 2015 SL No. 188 s 25 (3)–(4); 2018 SL No. 89 s 15; 2019 SL No. 238 s 7

sch 3 om 2015 SL No. 188 s 26

sch 5 s 1 amd 2014 SL No. 9 s 5; 2015 SL No. 188 s 27; 2018 SL No. 89 s 16

sch 5 s 2 amd 2017 SL No. 113 s 17; 2018 SL No. 89 s 17

sch 5A ins 2014 SL No. 216 s 7

sch 6 s 3 amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 18

sch 6 s 4 amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 19

sch 6 s 5 amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 20

sch 6 s 6 amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 21

sch 6 s 6A ins 2020 SL No. 19 s 4

amd 2021 SL No. 9 s 4

sch 6 s 6B ins 2021 SL No. 9 s 5

sch 6 s 6C ins 2024 SL No. 36 s 5 (1)

sch 6 s 7 amd 2015 SL No. 188 s 28

sub 2017 SL No. 113 s 18

amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 22; 2024 SL No. 36 s 5 (2)

sch 6 s 8 amd 2020 SL No. 19 s 5

sch 7 hdg amd 2018 SL No. 151 s 5 (1)

sch 7 s 1 amd 2018 SL No. 151 s 5 (2)

sch 7 s 2 ins 2018 SL No. 151 s 5 (3)

sch 8 s 2 amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 23

sch 8 s 3 amd 2021 SL No. 9 s 6 (1)

sch 8 s 5 amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 24

sch 8 s 11 amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 25

sch 8 s 14 amd 2024 SL No. 36 s 6

sch 8 s 17 amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 26

sch 8 s 35 amd 2018 SL No. 89 s 27

sch 8 s 41 amd 2021 SL No. 9 s 6 (2)

sch 8 s 42 sub 2018 SL No. 89 s 28

sch 8 s 43 om 2018 SL No. 89 s 29

sch 9 amd 2018 SL No. 151 s 6

Heavy Vehicle (Mass, Dimension and Loading) National Regulation