Plumbing and Drainage and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2022

Queensland Crest

Part 1 Preliminary

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Plumbing and Drainage and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2022.

2Regulation amended

This part amends the Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019.

3Amendment of s 9 (Prescribed provisions of Plumbing Code of Australia—Act, s 9)

Section 9, second dot point—
omit, insert—
section B, other than part B4

4Amendment of s 16 (Applying for, or to amend, treatment plant approval)

Section 16(1)(a), after ‘type’—

, other than a greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant

5Amendment of s 46 (Deciding application—generally)

Section 46
(2)Without limiting subsection (1)(a), a condition mentioned in subsection (1)(a)(ii) may, for example, authorise the permit holder to install a holding tank on stated premises and require the permit holder to remove the holding tank from the premises within a stated period.

6Amendment of s 47 (Deciding application—particular matters to be considered)

(1)Section 47(2)(a)—
omit, insert—
(a)after assessing each plan mentioned in schedule 6, part 2 accompanying the application, the plan complies with the code requirements for the work to which the application relates; and
(2)Section 47(2)(b), ‘greywater treatment plant in’—
omit, insert—

greywater treatment plant, other than a greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant, in—

(3)Section 47(2)—

(ca)for an application relating to a greywater use facility that includes a greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant in a sewered area to treat greywater, other than kitchen greywater—the treatment plant will be able to treat the greywater to the required standard; and

(4)Section 47(2)(ca) and (d)—
renumber as section 47(2)(d) and (e).

7Amendment of s 50 (Information notice about decisions)

Section 50(1)(a), ‘section 46(a)(ii)’—
omit, insert—

section 46(1)(a)(ii)

8Amendment of s 52 (Applying for a permit)

Section 52(2)—
omit, insert—
(2)An application under subsection (1)(a) must—
(a)be in the approved form; and
(b)be accompanied by the documents as required under schedule 6.

9Amendment of s 53 (Public sector entity deciding application)

(1)Section 53(2)(a)—
omit, insert—
(a)after assessing each plan mentioned in schedule 6, part 2 accompanying the application, the plan complies with the code requirements for the work to which the application relates; and
(2)Section 53(2)(b), ‘greywater treatment plant in’—
omit, insert—

greywater treatment plant, other than a greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant, in—

(3)Section 53(2)—

(ca)for an application relating to a greywater use facility that includes a greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant in a sewered area to treat greywater, other than kitchen greywater—the treatment plant will be able to treat the greywater to the required standard; and

(4)Section 53(2)(ca) to (f)—
renumber as section 53(2)(d) to (g).

10Amendment of s 86 (Giving copies of final inspection certificate)

Section 86
(4)In this section—
prescribed water meter see section 58(3) of the Act, definition prescribed water meter.

11Amendment of s 100 (Installing prescribed water meters)

Section 100, ‘prescribed’—

12Insertion of new ss 103A and 103B

After section 103

103A Prescribed use of greywater—Act, s 79

(1)This section applies to greywater, other than kitchen greywater, from plumbing and drainage on premises in a sewered area.
(2)For section 79(5)(b) of the Act, supplying the greywater to a cooling tower that is a part of an air-conditioning unit installed on the premises is prescribed as a use of the greywater.

103B Capacity for greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant and required standard for greywater—Act, s 79

(1)This section applies if—
(a)greywater, other than kitchen greywater, is discharged into a greywater use facility on premises in a sewered area; and
(b)the greywater use facility includes a greywater treatment plant (the greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant)—
(i)in which the greywater is treated; and
(ii)from which the greywater is supplied to a cooling tower that is a part of an air-conditioning unit installed on the premises.
(2)For section 79(5)(b)(ii) of the Act, the capacity for the greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant is 20kL or more of treated greywater in a day.
(3)For section 79(5)(b)(iii) of the Act, the prescribed standard to which the greywater is to be treated is the required standard.
(4)For subsection (3), the greywater is treated to the required standard if each parameter for the treated greywater stated in schedule 7A, column 1 is at the concentration or value, or within the range of concentrations or values, stated opposite the parameter in column 2 of the schedule.

13Amendment of s 104 (Monitoring particular types of greywater use facility—Act, s 136)

Section 104, ‘facility installed’—
omit, insert—

facility, consisting of a greywater treatment plant, with or without a land application area, installed

14Amendment of sch 1 (Notifiable work)

Schedule 1, part 2, item 8—
omit, insert—

8Greywater treatment plants

work necessary for installing or replacing a greywater use facility that includes a greywater treatment plant in a sewered area, if the premises where the facility is proposed to be installed generates no more than 3kL of greywater a day

15Amendment of sch 6 (Documents to accompany permit applications)

Schedule 6, authorising provision, ‘section 44(1)(b)(i)’—
omit, insert—

sections 44(1)(b)(i) and 52(2)(b)

16Amendment of sch 6, s 3 (Documents for other work)

Schedule 6, section 3(2)(g), ‘prescribed’—

17Insertion of new sch 6, pt 3, div 1, hdg

Schedule 6, after part 3, heading—

Division 1 Documents relevant to greywater use facilities

18Amendment of sch 6, s 4 (Documents for work for a greywater use facility)

(1)Schedule 6, section 4, heading, ‘a greywater use facility’—
omit, insert—

particular greywater use facilities

(2)Schedule 6, section 4, before subsection (1)—
(1A)This section applies to an application relating to permit work for a greywater use facility, other than to the extent the facility consists of a greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant.
(3)Schedule 6, section 4(1), from ‘An application’ to ‘facility must’—
omit, insert—

The application must

(4)Schedule 6, section 4(2)(c), after ‘greywater treatment plant’—

(other than a greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant)

(5)Schedule 6, section 4(1A) to (3)—
renumber as section 4(1) to (4).

19Insertion of new sch 6, s 4A and pt 3, div 2, hdg

Schedule 6, after section 4

4ADocuments for work for greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant

(1)This section applies to an application relating to a permit for work for a greywater use facility including a greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant.
(2)The application must be accompanied by—
(a)details of the type and size of the treatment plant; and
(b)a report about how greywater will be treated in the treatment plant to the required standard; and
(c)a plan for managing the treatment plant that complies with subsection (3).
(3)The plan for managing the greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant must—
(a)describe the systems for—
(i)collecting and processing the greywater at the treatment plant; and
(ii)supplying greywater to the cooling tower at the treatment plant; and
(b)identify each hazard and hazardous event associated with each system mentioned in paragraph (a); and
(c)include an assessment of the risks associated with each hazard and hazardous event mentioned in paragraph (b); and
(d)state each action that will be taken in response to each risk mentioned in paragraph (c); and
(e)state how the treatment plant will be monitored to ensure greywater is treated to the required standard; and
(f)state how each action mentioned in paragraph (d) will be monitored to check its effectiveness; and
(g)state how records of the matters mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (f) will be kept; and
(h)state how often the plan will be reviewed; and
(i)state the name and contact details of each person who will be responsible for—
(i)taking each action mentioned in paragraph (d); and
(ii)monitoring the treatment plant as mentioned in paragraph (e); and
(iii)monitoring each action to which paragraph (f) relates; and
(iv)keeping records of the matters mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (f); and
(v)reviewing the plan; and
(j)provide for any other matters relevant to the management of the treatment plant.

Division 2 Other documents

20Insertion of new sch 7A

After schedule 7

Schedule 7A Required standard for greywater from greywater (cooling tower) treatment plants

section 103B(4)

column 1

column 2


Required concentration or value

five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5)

less than 5mg/L


less than 2 NTU

free available chlorine

more than 0.5mg/L

heterotrophic colony count

less than 500 cfu/100mL

E. coli

no detectable cfu/100mL

Total legionella count

no detectable cfu/100mL


from 6 to 8.5

21Amendment of sch 10 (Dictionary)

(1)Schedule 10, definition prescribed water meter
(2)Schedule 10
air-conditioning unit means a unit of plant providing air conditioning and incorporating a cooling tower.
cooling tower
(a)means a device for lowering the temperature of water by evaporative cooling in which atmospheric air passes through sprayed water exchanging heat; and
(b)includes a device of a type mentioned in paragraph (a) incorporating a refrigerant or water heat exchanger.
greywater (cooling tower) treatment plant see section 103B(1)(b).
required standard, for treating greywater other than kitchen greywater, means the required standard mentioned in section 103B(4) and to which schedule 7A relates.

22Regulation amended

This part amends the State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2014.

23Amendment of sch 1 (Infringement notice offences and fines for nominated laws)

Schedule 1, entry for Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018

s 147(1)