Public Records (Category 2 Water Authorities) Amendment Regulation 2019

Queensland Crest

1Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Public Records (Category 2 Water Authorities) Amendment Regulation 2019.

2Regulation amended

This regulation amends the Public Records Regulation 2014.

3Amendment of s 2 (Relevant public authority—Act, s 8(3)(b))

Section 2, heading, ‘s 8(3)(b)’—
omit, insert—

s 8

4Amendment of sch 1 (Relevant public authorities)

Schedule 1—

a category 2 water authority established under the Water Act 2000

the department in which the Water Act 2000 is administered

5Amendment of sch 2 (Responsible public authorities)

Schedule 2—

a category 2 water authority established under the Water Act 2000

the department in which the Water Act 2000 is administered