Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Dangerous Goods) Regulation 2018

Effective Date Publication Date Amendments Included Notes
31 August 2018 05 February 2019

RA ss 7(1)(k), 40

01 April 2019 30 April 2019 2019 SL No. 29
17 May 2019 31 May 2019 2019 SL No. 74
01 July 2019 12 July 2019 2019 SL No. 74
12 September 2019 17 September 2019 2019 Act No. 25
12 June 2020 17 June 2020 2020 SL No. 89

RA s 27

01 July 2020 15 July 2020 2020 SL No. 89
01 October 2020 30 September 2020 2020 SL No. 220
28 May 2021 28 May 2021 2021 SL No. 44
01 July 2021 30 June 2021 2021 SL No. 44
01 September 2021 31 August 2021 2021 SL No. 114
20 May 2022 26 May 2022 2022 SL No. 56
31 August 2022 01 September 2022 2022 SL No. 113
01 April 2023 05 April 2023 2023 SL No. 24
26 August 2024 24 August 2024 2024 SL No. 134

Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Dangerous Goods) Regulation 2018 SL No. 107

notfd 27 July 2018

ss 1–2 comm on date of notification

pts 1 (other than ss 1–2), 2–23, schs 1–3 comm 31 August 2018 (see s 2)

exp 1 September 2028 (see SIA s 54)

Note—The expiry date may have changed since this reprint was published. See the latest reprint of the SIR for any change.

Photo Identification Card Regulation 2019 SL No. 29

notfd 22 March 2019

pts 1 (other than ss 1–2), 2–7, 8 (other than s 18), 9, sch 1 comm 1 April 2019 immediately after the commencement of the Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017, part 14, division 1 (see s 2 (1) and 2019 SL No. 28)

Transport Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2019 SL No. 74

notfd 17 May 2019

pts 1, 4 (other than s 9), 8 (other than s 18), 9 divs 1–2, 10 (other than s 24), 11 div 1–2, 12 div 1–2, 13 (other than s 37), 14 div 1–2 comm on date of notification

pts 2–3, s 9, pts 5–7, s 18, pt 9 div 3, s 24, pts 11 div 3, 12 div 3, s 37, pts 14 div 3, 15 comm 1 July 2019 (see s 2)

Transport Legislation (Road Safety and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2019 No. 25

date of assent 12 September 2019

chs 1–2, sch 1 comm on date of assent

Transport Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2020 SL No. 89

notfd 12 June 2020

pt 12 divs 1–2 comm on date of notification

pt 12 div 3 comm 1 July 2020 (see s 2)

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2020 SL No. 220

notfd 25 September 2020

pt 4 comm 1 October 2020 (see s 2)

Transport Legislation (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2021 SL No. 44

notfd 28 May 2021

pt 12 divs 1–2 comm on date of notification

pt 12 div 3 comm 1 July 2021 (see s 2)

Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Vehicle Standards and Safety) Regulation 2021 SL No. 114

notfd 20 August 2021

s 153 sch 5 comm 1 September 2021 (see s 2)

Transport Legislation (Fee Unit Conversion and Registration Fees) Amendment Regulation 2022 SL No. 56

notfd 20 May 2022

pt 12 comm on date of notification

Statutory Instruments Regulation 2022 SL No. 113

notfd 26 August 2022

sch 4 comm 31 August 2022 at the end of the day (see s 2)

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2023 SL No. 24

notfd 31 March 2023

pt 5 comm 1 April 2023 (see s 2(1))

Tow Truck Regulation 2024 SL No. 134

notfd 02 August 2024

pt 17 div 7 comm 26 August 2024 (see s 2)

This is a consolidated list of all history notes in this reprint. Show or hide the list by using the Turn history notes on/off button at the top of the page. The complete list can be printed (Ctrl-P) from the screen when the history notes are turned on.

s 5 sub 2019 Act No. 25 s 50

s 15 sub 2023 SL No. 24 s 19

s 18 sub 2023 SL No. 24 s 20

s 19A ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 20

s 23 amd 2022 SL No. 113 s 7 sch 4

s 24 amd 2022 SL No. 113 s 7 sch 4

s 31 amd 2023 SL No. 24 s 21

s 32 amd 2023 SL No. 24 s 22

s 45 sub 2020 SL No. 220 s 21

s 47 amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 22

s 55 amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 23

s 64 amd 2023 SL No. 24 s 23

s 78 amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 24

s 83 amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 25

s 94 amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 26

s 95 amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 27

s 96 amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 27

s 97 amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 27

s 98 amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 27

pt 7A hdg ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 28

s 102A ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 28

s 102B ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 28

s 102C ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 28

s 102D ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 28

s 102E ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 28

pt 11 div 2A hdg ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 29

s 133A ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 29

s 133B ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 29

s 133C ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 29

s 144A ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 30

s 145 amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 31

s 146 amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 32

s 146A ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 33

s 152 amd 2023 SL No. 24 s 24

s 194 amd 2022 SL No. 56 s 42

s 205 def converter dolly amd 2021 SL No. 114 s 153 sch 5

s 206 amd 2023 SL No. 24 s 25

s 208 amd 2023 SL No. 24 s 26

s 208A ins 2023 SL No. 24 s 27

s 209 amd 2022 SL No. 56 s 43; 2023 SL No. 24 s 28

s 210 amd 2023 SL No. 24 s 29

s 211 sub 2023 SL No. 24 s 30

s 220 s 220 amd 2023 SL No. 24 s 31

s 230 amd 2019 SL No. 29 s 16; 2024 SL No. 134 s 142

pt 21 hdg sub 2020 SL No. 220 s 34

pt 21 div 1 hdg ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 34

s 246 amd 2023 SL No. 24 s 32

s 246A ins 2022 SL No. 56 s 44

s 247 amd 2019 SL No. 74 ss 29, 32; 2020 SL No. 89 s 29; 2020 SL No. 89 s 32; 2021 SL No. 44 s 29; 2021 SL No. 44 s 32

s 248 amd 2019 SL No. 74 ss 30, 33; 2020 SL No. 89 ss 30, 33; 2021 SL No. 44 s 30; 2021 SL No. 44 s 33

pt 21 div 2 hdg ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 35

s 249A ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 35

s 249B ins 2023 SL No. 24 s 33

s 249C ins 2023 SL No. 24 s 33

sch 2 amd 2019 SL No. 74 s 31

sub 2019 SL No. 74 s 34

amd 2020 SL No. 89 s 31

sub 2020 SL No. 89 s 34

amd 2021 SL No. 44 s 31

sub 2021 SL No. 44 s 34; 2022 SL No. 56 s 45

amd 2023 SL No. 24 s 34

sch 3 def ADG code amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 36(2); 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(3)

sch 3 def ADR, ICAO, IMO, RID or UN approved amd 2020 SL No. 220 s 36(3)

sch 3 def competent authorities panel amd 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(4)

sch 3 def food packaging amd 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(5)

sch 3 def freight container sub 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(1)–(2)

sch 3 def inner packaging sub 2023 SL No. 24(1)–(2)

sch 3 def intermediate packaging ins 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(2)

sch 3 def large packaging sub 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(1)–(2)

sch 3 def Ministerial Council ins 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(2)

sch 3 def nominally empty storage vessel ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 36(1)

sch 3 def outer packaging sub 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(1)–(2)

sch 3 def overpack sub 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(1)–(2)

sch 3 def packaging sub 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(1)–(2)

sch 3 def packed in excepted quantities ins 2020 SL No. 220 s 36(1)

sch 3 def portable tank sub 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(1)–(2)

sch 3 def Transport and Infrastructure Council om 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(1)

sch 3 def tube sub 2023 SL No. 24 s 35(1)–(2)

Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Dangerous Goods) Regulation 2018

Notification: 27 July 2018 PDF icon 2018 SL No. 107

HTML icon 2018 SL No. 107

PDF icon Explanatory Note

HTML icon Explanatory Note

Tabled: 21 August 2018