QueenslandQueenslandCoast,IslandsandWatersInstrumentsCurrent as at 11
April 1996
QueenslandQueenslandCoast,IslandsandWatersLettersPatentdated10June1868Current as at 11 April 1996
Information about this reprintThese
letters patent are reprinted as at 11 April 1996.Minor
editorial changes allowed under the provisions of the Reprints Act
1992 mentionedin the following list have been made
to—•use standard punctuation consistent
with current drafting practice (s 27)•use
expressions consistent with current drafting practice (s 29)•use aspects of format and printing
style consistent with current drafting practice(s 35).This
page is specific to this reprint.A table of
reprints is included in the endnotes.See endnotes for
information about when provisions commenced.Dates shown on
reprintsReprints dated at last amendmentAll
reprints produced on or after 1 July 2002, hardcopy and
electronic, are dated as at the last date of amendment. Previously
reprints weredated as at the date of publication. If a
hard copy reprint is dated earlier than an electronicversion published before 1 July 2002, it
means the legislation was not further amendedand the reprint
date is the commencement of the last amendment.If the date of a
hard copy reprint is the same as the date shown for an electronic
versionpreviously published, it merely means that
the electronic version was published before thehard copy version.
Also, any revised edition of the previously published electronic
versionwill have the same date as that
version.Replacement reprint dateIf the date of a
hard copy reprint is the same as the date shownon another hard
copy reprint it means that one is the replacement of the
Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 10 June 1868Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 10 June 1868[reprinted as in force on 11 April
1996]CommissionpassedundertheGreatSealauthorisingtheGovernorofNewSouthWalestomakeleasesandotherdispositions of
islands and other places containing guano andotherfertilisingsubstances,whichmayfromtimetotimebecome the
possession of the Crown within certain limits, butwhichmaynotbewithinthejurisdictionofanyColonialGovernmentLetters Patent,Dated 10 June
1868.Victoria,bytheGraceofGod,oftheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandIreland,Queen,DefenderoftheFaith,toOurtrustyandwell-belovedOurGovernorandCommander-in-Chief in and over Our Colony of
New SouthWales, greeting.Whereasitmayhappenthatguanoandotherfertilisingsubstancesmayfromtimetotimebediscoveredonislandsand other places
belonging to Us, Our heirs and successors,being within the
limits hereinafter described, but not withinthe jurisdiction
of any Colonial Government;And whereas it
is expedient to make provision for the disposaland use of such
islands.Now know you that We have thought fit to
authorise, and dohereby authorise and empower you Our
Governor or OfficeradministeringtheGovernmentofOursaidColonyofNewSouth Wales, by
any instrument under your or his hand andCurrent as at 11
April 1996Page 3
Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 10 June 1868seal, to make leases and other dispositions
for a term or termsofyearsofanysuchislandsasaforesaid,orofanypartorparts thereof, and to issue licenses
authorising the person orpersons designated therein to take
guano or other fertilisingsubstancesfromthesaidislands,andtoinsertthereinsuchconditions and stipulations as may seem to
you advisable.Provided that, in the execution of the
powers hereby conferredonyou,youshallconformtosuchinstructionsasyoumayfrom time to
time receive from Us under Our signet and signmanual, or
through one of Our principal Secretaries of State.And
We do further declare that the aforesaid powers shall beexercisable by you with respect to all such
islands as aforesaidsituateinthatpartoftheIndianandSouthPacificOceanswhich is bounded
as follows, that is to say—on the north bythe10thparallelofsouthlatitude,ontheeastbythe170thmeridianofwestlongitude,onthesouthbytheAntarcticCircle, and on
the west by the 75th meridian of east longitude.InwitnesswhereofWehavecausedtheseOurletterstobemade patent. Witness Ourself at
Westminster, 10 June, in the31st year of Our
reign.By Warrant under the Queen’s Sign
ROMILLY.Page 4Current as at 11
April 1996
EndnotesQueensland Coast,
Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 10 June 1868Endnotes1Index to endnotesPage2Date to which amendments incorporated
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.53Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .54Table of reprints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65List
of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62Date to which amendments
incorporatedThis is the reprint date mentioned in the
Reprints Act 1992, section 5(c).However,
noamendments have commenced operation on or
before that day.Future amendments of theQueensland Coast,
Islands and Waters Letters Patent dated 10 June 1868 may be made
inaccordance with this reprint under the
Reprints Act 1992, section 49.3KeyKey to abbreviations in list of
legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdo in
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousKey(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No.[X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised edition=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2002=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumberedCurrent as at 11
April 1996Page 5
QueenslandQueenslandCoast,IslandsandWatersLettersPatentdated30May1872Current as at 11 April 1996
Information about this reprintThese
letters patent are reprinted as at 11 April 1996.Minor
editorial changes allowed under the provisions of the Reprints Act
1992 mentionedin the following list have been made
to—•update references (pt 4, div 3)•use standard punctuation consistent
with current drafting practice (s 27)•use
expressions consistent with current drafting practice (s 29)•use aspects of format and printing
style consistent with current drafting practice(s 35).This
page is specific to this reprint.A table of
earlier reprints is included in the endnotes.See endnotes for
information about when provisions commenced.Dates shown on
reprintsReprints dated at last amendmentAll
reprints produced on or after 1 July 2002, hardcopy and
electronic, are dated as at the last date of amendment. Previously
reprints weredated as at the date of publication. If a
hard copy reprint is dated earlier than an electronicversion published before 1 July 2002, it
means the legislation was not further amendedand the reprint
date is the commencement of the last amendment.If the date of a
hard copy reprint is the same as the date shown for an electronic
versionpreviously published, it merely means that
the electronic version was published before thehard copy version.
Also, any revised edition of the previously published electronic
versionwill have the same date as that
version.Replacement reprint dateIf the date of a
hard copy reprint is the same as the date shownon another hard
copy reprint it means that one is the replacement of the
Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 30 May 1872Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 30 May 1872(Islands within 60 miles of coast of
Colony)[reprinted as in force on 11 April
1996]LetterspatentpassedundertheGreatSealappointingtheGovernor of the Colony of Queensland to be
Governor of allislands within 60 miles from the coast of the
said Colony, andauthorisingtheannexationoftheaforesaidislandstothatColonyLetters Patent,Dated 30 May
1872.Victoria,bytheGraceofGod,oftheUnitedKingdomofGreat Britain and Ireland, Queen,
Defender of the Faith, to allto whom these
presents shall come, greeting.Whereas we did,
by certain letters patent, under the Great Sealof our United
Kingdom, bearing date at Westminster 6 June1859, in the
22nd year of our reign, erect certain territoriesthereindescribed,togetherwithallandeverytheadjacentislands,theirmembersandappurtenancesinthePacificOcean,intoacolonybythenameoftheColonyofQueensland.And whereas it
is expedient that all the islands lying and beingwithin60milesofthecoastsofthesaidcolonyshouldbeannexed to, and form part of, the said
Colony of Queensland,Current as at 11 April 1996Page
Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 30 May 1872if
the Legislative Council and Assembly thereof should desiresuch
annexation.And whereas it is expedient that, until such
annexation, theaffairsofthesaidislandsshouldbyadministeredbyaGovernor, to be for that purpose
appointed by us.Appointment of the Governor of Queensland to
be Governor ofthe islands within 60 miles of coasts of
colonyNow know ye, that, in considerations of the
premises, We, ofour special grace, mere motion, and certain
knowledge, havethought fit to constitute and appoint, and
by these presents doconstituteandappoint,theGovernorandCommander-in-Chief for the time being of Our
said Colony ofQueensland, to be the Governor of the said
islands, and we doherebyvestinhimallthepowersandauthoritieswhichbythese presents are given and granted
to the Governor for thetime being of the said islands.Temporary administration during the
Governor’s absenceAnd We do hereby further declare Our
pleasure to be, that inthe event of the death or incapacity
of the said Governor andCommander-in-Chief for the said Colony
of Queensland, or,intheeventofhisabsentinghimselffromthesaidcolonyotherwisethanforthepurposeofvisitingthesaidislands,then, and in either of these cases, the
officer for the time beingwho may be administering the
Government of the said colonyshall be and he
is hereby constituted and appointed Governorfor the time
being of the said islands.Power to make rules etc.AndWedoherebyfurtherauthoriseandempowerthesaidGovernor of the
islands to make all such rules and regulationsasmaylawfullybymadebyOurauthorityfortheorder,peace,andgoodgovernmentofthesaidislands,subjectnevertheless to
any instructions which may from time to timebe hereafter
given him, under Our sign manual and signet, orthrough one of
Our principal Secretaries of State.Page 4Current as at 11 April 1996
Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 30 May 1872Power
to make leases and grant licenses—minerals and guanolicensesAndWedoherebyfurtherauthoriseandempowerthesaidGovernor of the
said islands, so long as he shall be Governorthereof, by any
instrument under his hand and seal, to makeleases and other
dispositions for a term or term of years, ofanyofthesaidislandsasaforesaid,oranypartorpartsthereof, and to
issue licenses authorising the person or personsdesignatedthereintotakemineralsorguano,orotherfertilising
substances, or other produce from the said islands,or
any of them, and to insert in such leases, dispositions, orlicenses, as the case may be, all such
reservations by way ofrentorroyalty,orotherwise,andallsuchconditions,exceptions, and
stipulations as may to him seem advisable.Provided always,
that in the execution of the powers herebyconferred on
him, he shall conform to such instructions as hemayfromtimetotimereceivefromUsunderOursignmanual and
signet, or through one of Our principal Secretariesof
State.Power to revoke or confirm existing
leasesAndWedoherebyfurtherauthoriseandempowerthesaidGovernor, as he
may deem expedient, under his hand and seal,to confirm any
grant, disposition, lease, or license, which mayhave
been made or issued before the date of these presents, toany
person or persons in respect of the said islands, or any ofthem, or any part thereof, by any Governor
of Our Colony ofNew South Wales, or to accept a surrender of
any such grant,disposition, lease, or license, and to make
and issue any newdisposition, lease, or license to the
persons surrendering thesame, or their nominees, under the
powers and in the mannerhereinbefore declared.PowertoGovernortosurrenderislandstoColonyofQueenslandAnd We do hereby
further declare Our pleasure to be that, if atany time
hereafter the Legislative Council and Assembly ofthesaidColonyofQueenslandshall,byresolutionorCurrent as at 11 April 1996Page
Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 30 May 1872otherwise,requestthesaidGovernorofthesaidislandstotransfer the same to the said Colony of
Queensland, for thepurpose of their being annexed to and
forming part of the saidcolony,thenthesaidGovernorshall,andheisherebyauthorised and empowered to transfer to the
said colony thesaid islands; and from and after the date of
such transfer thesaid islands so transferred shall be deemed
and taken to be,and shall be, annexed to and form part of
the said Colony ofQueensland.Proclamation of
the surrender of the islandsAndWefurtherdeclareOurpleasuretobethatthesaidGovernor of the
said islands shall declare by proclamation thesaidtransfer,andfromandafterthedateofsuchproclamation,
these presents shall cease and be of none effect,so
far as relates to the appointment of a Governor of the saidislandsandhispowersthereunder,butnotfurtherorotherwise,andnotsoastoaffectanyinstruments,acts,matters, or things made or done by him while
such Governoras aforesaid, in pursuance of the powers
hereby conferred onhim.Power reserved to Her Majesty to revoke
etc. letters patentAnd We do hereby reserve to Us, Our heirs
and successors,full power and authority from time to time
to revoke, alter, oramend these Our letters patent, as to
Us or them shall seemmeet.InwitnesswhereofWehavecausedtheseOurletterstobemade patent. Witness Ourself at
Westminster, 30 May, in the35th year of Our
reign.By Warrant under the Queen’s Sign
Manual.C. ROMILLY.Page 6Current as at 11 April 1996
EndnotesQueensland Coast,
Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 30 May 1872Endnotes1Index to endnotesPage2Date to which amendments incorporated
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.73Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .74Table of reprints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85List
of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82Date to which amendments
incorporatedThis is the reprint date mentioned in the
Reprints Act 1992, section 5(c).However,
noamendments have commenced operation on or
before that day.Future amendments of theQueensland Coast,
Islands and Waters Letters Patent dated 30 May 1872 may be made
inaccordance with this reprint under the
Reprints Act 1992, section 49.3KeyKey to abbreviations in list of
legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdo in
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousKey(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No.[X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised edition=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2002=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumberedCurrent as at 11
April 1996Page 7
QueenslandQueenslandCoast,IslandsandWatersDeedPolldated22August1872Current as at 11 April 1996
Information about this reprintThis
deed poll is reprinted as at 11 April 1996.Minor editorial
changes allowed under the provisions of the Reprints Act 1992
mentionedin the following list have been made
to—•use standard punctuation consistent
with current drafting practice (s 27)•use
expressions consistent with current drafting practice (s 29)•use aspects of format and printing
style consistent with current drafting practice(s 35).This
page is specific to this reprint.A table of
reprints is included in the endnotes.See endnotes for
information about when provisions commenced.Dates shown on
reprintsReprints dated at last amendmentAll
reprints produced on or after 1 July 2002, hardcopy and
electronic, are dated as at the last date of amendment. Previously
reprints weredated as at the date of publication. If a
hard copy reprint is dated earlier than an electronicversion published before 1 July 2002, it
means the legislation was not further amendedand the reprint
date is the commencement of the last amendment.If the date of a
hard copy reprint is the same as the date shown for an electronic
versionpreviously published, it merely means that
the electronic version was published before thehard copy version.
Also, any revised edition of the previously published electronic
versionwill have the same date as that
version.Replacement reprint dateIf the date of a
hard copy reprint is the same as the date shownon another hard
copy reprint it means that one is the replacement of the
Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersDeed
Poll dated 22 August 1872Queensland Coast, Islands and
WatersDeed Poll dated 22 August 1872[reprinted as in force on 11 April
1996]Deedpoll—TransferringtotheColonyofQueenslandtheislands within 60 miles of the coastTo
all to whom these presents shall come,greeting—Whereas Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen
was pleased,by letters patent under the Great Seal of
the United Kingdom,dated 30 May 1872, to constitute and appoint
the Governorand Commander-in-Chief for the time being of
the Colony ofQueensland, to be Governor of all the
islands lying and beingwithin 60 miles of the coasts of the
said colony.And whereas Her said Majesty did, by the
said letters patent,further declare Her pleasure to be
that if at any time thereafterthe Legislative
Council and Assembly of the said Colony ofQueenslandshould,byresolutionorotherwise,requestthesaid Governor of the said islands to
transfer the same to thesaidColonyofQueensland,forthepurposeoftheirbeingannexed to and forming part of the said
colony, then the saidGovernorshould,andhewastherebyauthorisedandempowered to transfer to the said colony the
said islands, andfrom and after the date of such transfer,
the said islands sotransferred should be deemed and taken to
be, and should beannexed to and form part of the said Colony
of Queensland.AndwhereastheLegislativeCouncilandAssemblyofQueensland have respectively resolved, that
it is desirable thatthe islands lying within 60 miles of
the coast of the Colony ofCurrent as at 11 April 1996Page
Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersDeed
Poll dated 22 August 1872Queensland should be annexed to, and
become part of the saidcolony,andhaverespectivelypresentedaddressestome,GeorgeAugustusConstantine,MarquisofNormanby,GovernorandCommander-in-ChiefoftheColonyofQueensland, and Governor of all the islands
lying and beingwithin 60 miles of the coast of the said
colony, praying that Iwill be pleased to exercise the powers
in that behalf, conferredupon me by the above recited letters
patent of 30 May 1872.And whereas I have taken into my
consideration the prayer ofthe said
petitioners, and have agreed thereto.Now, therefore,
I, George Augustus Constantine, Marquis ofNormanby,GovernorofQueenslandandoftheislandsaforesaid, in pursuance of the powers
conferred upon me bythe said recited letters patent of 30
May 1872, and of all otherpowersenablingmeinthatbehalf,do,bythesepresents,transfer to the said Colony of Queensland,
all the islands lyingandbeingwithin60milesofthecoastofthesaidcolony,whereof I am and have been duly constituted
and appointed tobe the Governor, in order that the said
islands may be annexedto, and form part of the Colony of
Queensland.In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal, atGovernment House, Brisbane, this 22 August
1872.[L.S.] NORMANBY.Signed,sealedanddeliveredbytheMostHonourabletheMarquis of Normanby, Governor and
Commander-in-Chief ofthe Colony of Queensland and its
dependencies, and Governorof the islands within 60 miles of the
coast of the said colony,etc., etc., in the presence ofJOHN
BRAMSTON.Page 4Current as at 11
April 1996
EndnotesQueensland Coast,
Islands and WatersDeed Poll dated 22 August 1872Endnotes1Index to endnotesPage2Date to which amendments incorporated
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.53Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .54Table of reprints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65List
of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62Date to which amendments
incorporatedThis is the reprint date mentioned in the
Reprints Act 1992, section 5(c).However,
noamendments have commenced operation on or
before that day.Future amendments of theQueensland Coast,
Islands and Waters Deed Poll dated 22 August 1872 may be made
inaccordance with this reprint under the
Reprints Act 1992, section 49.3KeyKey to abbreviations in list of
legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdo in
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousKey(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No.[X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised edition=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2002=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumberedCurrent as at 11
April 1996Page 5
QueenslandQueenslandCoast,IslandsandWatersLettersPatentdated10October1878Current as at 11 April 1996
Information about this reprintThese
letters patent are reprinted as at 11 April 1996.Minor
editorial changes allowed under the provisions of the Reprints Act
1992 mentionedin the following list have been made
to—•use standard punctuation consistent
with current drafting practice (s 27)•use
expressions consistent with current drafting practice (s 29)•relocate marginal or cite notes (s
34)•use aspects of format and printing
style consistent with current drafting practice(s 35).This
page is specific to this reprint.A table of
reprints is included in the endnotes.See endnotes for
information about when provisions commenced.Dates shown on
reprintsReprints dated at last amendmentAll
reprints produced on or after 1 July 2002, hardcopy and
electronic, are dated as at the last date of amendment. Previously
reprints weredated as at the date of publication. If a
hard copy reprint is dated earlier than an electronicversion published before 1 July 2002, it
means the legislation was not further amendedand the reprint
date is the commencement of the last amendment.If the date of a
hard copy reprint is the same as the date shown for an electronic
versionpreviously published, it merely means that
the electronic version was published before thehard copy version.
Also, any revised edition of the previously published electronic
versionwill have the same date as that
version.Replacement reprint dateIf the date of a
hard copy reprint is the same as the date shownon another hard
copy reprint it means that one is the replacement of the
Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 10 October 1878Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 10 October 1878[reprinted as in force on 11 April
1996]Draft of letters patent passed under the
Great Seal of the UnitedKingdom for the rectification of the
maritime boundary of theColony of Queensland, and for the
annexation to that colony ofTuan,Saibai,Talbot,Deliverance,andotherislandslyinginTorres
Straits and between Australia and New GuineaLetters
patent,Dated 10th October, 1878.Victoria, by the
Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain andIreland, Queen, Defender of the Faith,
Empress of India:To all to whom these presents shall
come,Greetings—Preamble—RecitesthatcertainislandsshouldbeannexedtoQueenslandWhereas it is
expedient that certain islands in Torres Straits,andlyingbetweenthecontinentofAustraliaandislandofNew
Guinea, that is to say, all islands included within a linedrawn from Sandy Cape northward to the
south-eastern limitof Great Barrier Reefs, thence following the
line of the GreatBarrier Reefs to their north-eastern
extremity, near the latitudeof nine and a
half degrees south, thence in a north-westerlydirection,
embracing East, Anchor, and Bramble Cays, thencefrom
Bramble Cays in a line west by south (south 79º west)true;embracingWarriorReef,Saibai,andTuanIslands,thencediverginginanorth-westerlydirectionsoastoembrace the group known as the Talbot
Islands; thence to andCurrent as at 11 April 1996Page
Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 10 October 1878IIIembracing the Deliverance Islands, and
onwards in a west bysouth direction (true) to the meridian
of 138º of east longitude,shouldbeannexedtoandformpartofOurColonyofQueensland.Now We do, by
these Our letters patent, under the Great SealofOurUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandIreland,authorise Our
Governor for the time being of Our said Colonyof Queensland,
by proclamation under his hand and the publicseal of the said
colony, to declare that, from and after a day tobe
therein mentioned, the said islands shall be annexed to andform
part of Our said colony.ProvidedalwaysthatOursaidGovernorissuesnosuchproclamationasaforesaiduntiltheLegislatureofOursaidColony of
Queensland shall have passed a law1providing thatthesaidIslandsshall,onthedayaforesaid,becomepartofOur
said colony, and subject to the laws in force therein.Provided also that the application of the
said laws to the saidIslandsmaybemodifiedeitherbysuchproclamation,asaforesaid,orbyanylaworlawstobefromtimetotimepassedbytheLegislatureofOursaidcolonyforthegovernment of
the said islands so annexed.IIPowers reserved to Her Majesty to revoke,
alter, or amendthe present letters patentAnd
We do hereby reserve to Us, Our heirs and successors,full
power and authority, from time to time, to revoke, alter, oramend these Our letters patent as to Us or
Them shall seemmeet.IIIPublication of letters patentAndWedofurtherdirectandenjointhattheseOurletterspatent shall be
read and proclaimed at such place or places asOur said
Governor shall think fit within Our said Colony ofQueensland.1See
theQueenslandCoastIslandsAct1879.Page 4Current as at 11 April 1996
Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 10 October 1878IIIInwitnesswhereofWehavecausedtheseOurletterstobemade patent. Witness Ourself at
Westminster, 10 October, inthe 42nd year of
Our Reign.By warrant under the Queen’s sign
manual.C. ROMILLY.Current as at 11
April 1996Page 5
Queensland Coast, Islands and WatersLetters Patent dated 10 October 1878EndnotesEndnotes1Index to endnotesPage2Date to which amendments incorporated
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.63Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .64Table of reprints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75List
of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72Date to which amendments
incorporatedThis is the reprint date mentioned in the
Reprints Act 1992, section 5(c).However,
noamendments have commenced operation on or
before that day.Future amendments of theQueensland Coast,
Islands and Waters Letters Patent dated 10 October 1878 may be
madein accordance with this reprint under the
Reprints Act 1992, section 49.3KeyKey to abbreviations in list of
legislation and annotationsKeyAIAamdamdtchdefdivexpgazhdginslapnotfdo in
Interpretation Act 1954=amended=amendment=chapter=definition=division=expires/expired=gazette=heading=inserted=lapsed=notified=order in council=omitted=original=page=paragraph=preceding=present=previousKey(prev)procprovptpubdR[X]RArelocrenumrep(retro)rvsschsdivSIASIRSLsubunnumExplanation=previously=proclamation=provision=part=published=Reprint No.[X]=Reprints Act 1992=relocated=renumbered=repealed=retrospectively=revised edition=section=schedule=subdivision=Statutory Instruments Act 1992=Statutory Instruments Regulation
2002=subordinate legislation=substituted=unnumberedPage 6Current as at 11 April 1996