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About this website
What can I find on this website?
The legislation website gives users access to Queensland legislation (Acts of the Queensland Parliament and subordinate legislation made under them) and reprints of legislation, other legislative documents (explanatory notes and regulatory impact statements) and related information.
The main website pages have links across the top of the screen under the green banner—
Our Home page welcomes you and features photos from around Queensland.
In the What’s new column, you’ll find links to:
You can also use the Atom feed button to subscribe to automatic updates to Queensland legislation.
In force legislation
Here you’ll find links to the status information page for current reprints of Acts and subordinate legislation. From the status information page, you can link to the legislative history for the title and, from that page to the creation history documents for the title (the Act or subordinate legislation as made and the explanatory notes and regulatory impact statements.)
Here you’ll find links to Acts as originally passed by Parliament for each year.
Here you’ll find links to the status information page for subordinate legislation as originally made for each year. From the status information page, you can link to the legislative history for the title and, from that page to the creation history documents for the title (the subordinate legislation as made and the explanatory notes and regulatory impact statements).
Here you’ll find links to the status information page for Bills as originally introduced into the Parliament for each year. From the status information page, you can link to the legislative history for the title and, from that page to the creation history documents for the title (the Bill as introduced and the explanatory notes, the 3rd reading version and the Act).
Repealed Legislation
Here you’ll find links to the reprints and legislative history of repealed legislation.
Here you’ll find a selection of user-generated, interactive tables that provide information about the status of Bills, Acts and subordinate legislation.
The tables allow users to generate current and point-in-time information, and cumulative information, from the website. The results are printable and downloadable in various formats from this website.
Here you’ll find a summary of what’s new in Queensland legislation in a given week with links to all available dates—
Subordinate legislation—updates for that week on proclamations and other subordinate legislation notified, tabled or disallowed
Bills—updates for that week on Bills introduced (Government and private member), amended during passage and passed that week
Acts—updates for that week on Acts assented to by the Governor.
Here you’ll find links to a range of publications and information about Queensland legislation.
Historical information
Here you’ll find a number of documents, previously published by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel, that contain historical information about Queensland legislation. Included are the final versions of the Queensland Legislation Annotations.
Here you’ll find tools for searching the legislation on this website and information to help you with your searching.
Last updated 1 July 2022 at 18:25