Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Queensland Aboriginal
Land Act 1991
Aboriginal Land
Regulation 2011
Current as at 26 July 2013
Information about this reprint
reprint shows the legislation current as at the date on the cover
and is authorised by the Parliamentary Counsel. A
new reprint of
the legislation will
be prepared by
the Office of
the Queensland Parliamentary
Counsel when any change to the legislation takes effect. This
change may be because a provision of the original
legislation, or an amendment to it, commences or
because a particular provision of the
legislation expires or is repealed. When a new reprint
is prepared, this reprint will become a historical reprint. Also,
if it is necessary to replace this reprint before a
new reprint is prepared, for example, to include
amendments with a retrospective commencement,
an appropriate note would be included on
the cover of
the replacement reprint
and on the
copy of this
reprint at
endnotes to this reprint contain detailed information about the
legislation and reprint. For example— •
table of reprints endnote lists any previous reprints and, for this reprint, gives details of any discretionary editorial powers under the Reprints Act 1992 used by the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel in preparing it. •
The list of
legislation endnote
gives historical
information about
the original legislation and
the legislation which
amended it.
It also gives
details of
uncommenced amendments
to this legislation. For
information about
possible amendments to the
legislation by Bills introduced in Parliament, see the
Queensland Legislation Current
Annotations at
information.htm. •
list of annotations endnote gives historical information at section
level. All Queensland reprints are dated and
authorised by the Parliamentary Counsel. The previous numbering
system and distinctions between printed and electronic reprints
are not continued.
Queensland Aboriginal Land
Regulation 2011 Contents Part 1
1 2 3
2 Division 1 4
5 6 7
8 9 10
Division 2 Subdivision
1 11
12 Subdivision 2 13 14
15 16 17
Subdivision 3 20 Page
Preliminary Short title . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 5 Commencement . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Provisions about land trusts
Members of land trusts Payments
to members
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Land trust to indemnify members
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Immunity of members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Protection
about notice
when a person is a member of more
1 land trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 7 Chairperson,
deputy chairperson and secretary—appointment. . 7
Acting as chairperson, secretary or in
another executive office . . 7
Resignation of members . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
of land trusts Adoption of rules
Adoption of rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Content of adopted rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Rules about proxies
for sdiv
2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
of sdiv
2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
proxy. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
When appointment of
proxy is
effective .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Counting proxies for quorum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Rule about filling
executive offices When
election of
members of
executive committee must
be held 11
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Contents Division 3
22 23 24
25 26 Division 4
27 28 29
Division 5 30
31 32 33
Division 6 34
35 Part 3 36
4 37 Part 5 38
39 40 41
42 43 44
6 45 46 47
2 Trust property Property to be
held on trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . Powers in relation to trust property. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Funds to be
invested under Trusts Act 1973 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Staff and consultants, and members’
expenses, to be paid from trust property . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Application of insurance money . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounts, annual
financial statements and audit requirements Accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Annual financial statement
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Audit requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General
meetings Holding general meetings.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chief executive may
call general
meeting .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Material
to be
given to
chief executive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Land trust to keep minutes of meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
of land
trust and
transfer of
trust property Dissolution of
land trust
if transferred land
becomes granted land
Transfer of property if part of transferred
land becomes granted
land .............................
of conduct about mining leases Code of conduct
about mining leases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Mining royalties Prescribed
percentage—Act, s 203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Appeals to Land Appeal Court
of pt
5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting
appeal to
Land Appeal
Court .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Court may accept some noncompliance
with s
39 . . . . . . . . . . . . Other
parties may
give notice
of appearance. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Parties to prepare summary of arguments and
of new
evidence . Legal
representation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Forms for appeals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Declarations Tidal land that is available State
s 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Available
State land
that is
transferable land—Act, s 10 . . . . . . . Available
State land
that is
claimable land—Act, s 23 . . . . . . . . . 12 12
12 12 13
14 14
17 18 19
48 49 Part 7
50 Part 8 Division 1
51 Division 2 52
53 54 55
56 Schedule 1 Schedule 2
Schedule 3 Schedule 4
Schedule 5 Aboriginal Land
Regulation 2011 Contents Aboriginal
reserve land—Act, s 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . References to plans . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous
provision Application of provisions for particular
land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repeal and
transitional provisions Repeal Repeal
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transitional
provisions Definition for
div 2.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Members of executive committee continue
in office
. . . . . . . . . . . Land
adopted rules
continue .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
operation of
particular provisions of
repealed regulation .....................................
Chief executive may dissolve Aboriginal land
claim associations. Tidal land that is available State
land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Available State land that is transferable
land . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Available State land that is claimable
land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
reserve land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dictionary
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23
23 24
25 26 28
29 33 34 35
Endnotes 1
2 3 4
5 6 Index to
endnotes . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Date to which amendments
incorporated. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Key . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . Table of reprints . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of legislation.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of annotations
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 36
36 37 37 39
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
1 Preliminary [s 1] Aboriginal Land
Regulation 2011 [as amended by all amendments that commenced
on or before 26 July 2013] Part 1 Preliminary 1
title This regulation may
be cited as
the Aboriginal Land
Regulation 2011 .
2 Commencement This
regulation commences
immediately after
the commencement of
the Aboriginal Land
and Torres Strait
Islander Land
and Other Legislation Amendment
Act 2011 ,
section 90. 3
Definitions The dictionary
in schedule 5 defines particular words used in this
regulation. Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Part 2
Provisions about land trusts [s 4]
2 Provisions about land trusts
Division 1 Members of land
trusts 4 Payments to members
A member may
be paid an
amount equal
to expenses reasonably
incurred, or to be incurred, in the performance of
member’s functions under the Act or this regulation.
5 Land trust to indemnify members
land trust must indemnify all its members engaged in giving
effect to the Act or this regulation against
all proceedings and claims in relation to— (a)
done, or omitted to be done, by the member without
negligence under the Act; and
(b) acts done, or omitted to be done, by
the member in good faith and
without negligence purportedly for
the purposes of the Act or this
regulation. 6 Immunity of members
(1) A member— (a)
is chargeable only
for amounts and
securities actually
received even though the member signed a
receipt for the amount or security; and
(b) is answerable and
accountable only
for the member’s
acts, receipts, neglects or defaults. (2)
Without limiting subsection (1), a member is
not answerable or accountable for— (a)
the acts, receipts,
neglects or
defaults of
another member or the
land trust; or Page 6 Current as at 26
July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
2 Provisions about land trusts [s 7]
(b) the acts, receipts, neglects or
defaults of a bank, broker or other person with whom trust
property is deposited; or (c)
the insufficiency or
deficiency of
any securities or
another loss unless the insufficiency,
deficiency or loss happens because of the member’s
default. 7 Protection about notice when a person
is a member of more than 1 land trust A person who is
a member of more than 1 land trust is not, in the
absence of
fraud, to
be affected by
notice of
any instrument, fact or thing in relation
to a particular land trust if the person
receives the notice merely because of the person’s
membership of another land trust.
8 Chairperson, deputy chairperson
and secretary—appointment A land trust
must appoint— (a) a member as the chairperson of the
land trust; and (b) if there
is more than
1 member—a member
as the deputy
chairperson of the land trust; and (c)
if there are
more than
2 members—a member
as the secretary of the
land trust. 9 Acting as chairperson, secretary or in
another executive office (1)
deputy chairperson may act as the chairperson during—
(a) a vacancy in the office of
chairperson; or (b) any period when the chairperson is
absent from duty or from the State or, for any reason, can not
perform the duties of the office of chairperson.
(2) Any member of a land trust may act as
the secretary during— (a) a vacancy in the
office of secretary; or Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Part 2
Provisions about land trusts [s 10]
(b) any period
when the
secretary is
absent from
duty or
the State or, for any reason, can not perform the
duties of the office of secretary.
(3) Any member
of a land
trust may
act in another
executive office of the
land trust during— (a) a vacancy in the office; or
(b) any period when the holder of the
office is absent from duty or
from the
State or,
for any reason,
can not perform the
duties of the office. 10 Resignation of
members (1) A member
of a land
trust may
resign by
signed notice
of resignation given to the land
trust. (2) The resignation does not take effect
until it is accepted by the land
trust. Division 2 Rules of land
trusts Subdivision 1 Adoption of
rules 11 Adoption of rules (1)
A land trust
must adopt
rules governing
the land trust
( adopted rules ).
(2) A land trust must adopt its first
rules as soon as practicable after it comes
into existence. (3) Within 28 days after a land trust
adopts its first rules, adopts changes to its
adopted rules or adopts new rules, the land trust
give the chief executive a copy of its adopted rules.
(4) If there is an inconsistency between
subdivision 2 or 3 and a land trust’s
adopted rules,
the subdivision prevails
to the extent of the
inconsistency. Page 8 Current as at 26
July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
2 Provisions about land trusts [s 12]
12 Content of adopted rules
adopted rules of a land trust must include provision for
following— (a) the establishment, membership and
functions of the land trust’s executive committee;
(b) the process for decision-making by the
land trust and its committees; (c)
creation of the land trust’s executive offices and the
procedure for filling the offices;
(d) the appointment of a person to act in
the position of a member of the executive committee when the
member is, or is to be, absent; (e)
procedure for settling disputes between the land trust
its members; (f) the frequency of meetings of the
executive committee, and how the meetings are to be
held; (g) the way the land trust’s general
meetings are to be called and held; (h)
requirements for
managing trust
property, including
requirements for the following—
(i) keeping records of the land trust’s
transactions; (ii) procedures for
authorising payments,
and for making payments,
out of the land trust’s funds; (iii)
keeping control over trust property;
(iv) procedures for
incurring liabilities by
or for the
trust; (i) the procedure for adopting changes to
the adopted rules of the land trust and for adopting new
rules. Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Part 2
Provisions about land trusts [s 13]
Subdivision 2 Rules about
proxies 13 Definition for sdiv 2
this subdivision— meeting , of a land
trust, means— (a) a general meeting of the land trust;
or (b) a meeting of the executive committee
of the land trust. 14 Application of sdiv 2
This subdivision applies
to a land
trust unless,
under its
adopted rules, the appointment of proxies
for a meeting of the land trust is not permitted.
15 Appointing proxy (1)
person who is entitled to attend and cast a vote at a
meeting of the land trust may appoint an individual
to attend and vote for the person at the meeting.
(2) An appointment of a proxy is valid
if— (a) it is signed by the person making the
appointment, or otherwise authenticated in a way the land
trust considers appropriate; and (b)
includes the following information— (i)
person’s name; (ii) the proxy’s
name; (iii) the meeting at
which the appointment may be used. (3)
appointment may state the way the proxy is to vote on a
particular resolution. (4)
this section— individual means an
individual who is— (a) a member of the land trust; or
10 Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
2 Provisions about land trusts [s 16]
(b) an Aboriginal person
particularly concerned
with the
held by the land trust. 16 When appointment
of proxy is effective The appointment of a proxy for a
meeting of the land trust is effective
only if
the proxy’s appointment is
received by
the land trust before the meeting
starts. 17 Counting proxies for quorum
(1) In deciding whether a quorum is
present at a meeting of the land trust, an
individual attending the meeting as a proxy is counted.
(2) However, if a person has appointed
more than 1 proxy for a particular meeting, only 1 of the
proxies is counted. (3) If an
individual is
attending a
particular meeting
both as
a member of the land trust and as a
proxy for 1 or more persons, the individual
is counted only twice. (4) If
an individual who
is not a
member of
the land trust
is attending a
particular meeting
as a proxy
for 1 or
more persons, the
individual is counted only once. Subdivision
3 Rule about filling executive offices
20 When election of members of executive
committee must be held (1)
This section
applies to
a land trust
if the land
trust’s total
income from
all sources for
a financial year
is more than
$20000. (2)
The land trust
must, within
2 years after
the end of
the financial year, hold an election of
members of the land trust to elect the
members of its executive committee. Current as at 26
July 2013 Page 11
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Part 2
Provisions about land trusts [s 22]
Division 3 Trust
property 22 Property to be held on trust
A land trust
is to hold,
invest, use
and distribute trust
property— (a)
for the benefit
of the Aboriginal people
for whose benefit the land
trust holds the trust property; and (b)
compliance with the Act and this regulation. 23
Powers in relation to trust property
(1) The land trust may exercise the powers
that an owner of real or personal property can exercise in
relation to the owner’s real or personal property.
(2) Subsection (1) is subject to the Act
and this regulation. 24 Funds to be invested under Trusts Act
1973 (1) A land trust may invest trust property
only under the Trusts Act 1973
section 21. (2) All trust
property is
to be invested
in the name
of the land
trust. 25
and consultants, and members’ expenses, to be paid from trust
property (1) The cost of employing staff or
engaging consultants to assist a land trust may
be paid out of the trust property
of the land trust. (2)
Amounts to be paid to members under section
4 may be paid out of the trust property of the land
trust. Page 12 Current as at 26
July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
2 Provisions about land trusts [s 26]
26 Application of insurance money
(1) An amount received or receivable under
a policy of insurance for the loss or damage to trust
property held, owned or leased by a land trust
is part of the capital of the trust property. (2)
whole or a part of the amount received or receivable may
also be
applied by
the land trust
(and is
to be applied
if ordered by
the Supreme Court)
in rebuilding, reinstating, replacing or
repairing the property lost or damaged. Division 4
Accounts, annual financial
statements and audit requirements
27 Accounts (1)
A land trust
must establish
the accounts necessary
or convenient for its operation as a land
trust. (2) The land trust must ensure its
accounts are kept properly. 28 Annual financial
statement (1) A land
trust must,
by 30 September
each year,
prepare and
adopt an annual financial statement for the
financial year most recently ended, if the land trust’s total
income from all sources for that financial year is more than
$20000. (2) If a
land trust
prepares and
adopts an
annual financial
statement under
subsection (1),
the land trust
must, by
31 December in the year it is adopted,
give the chief executive— (a) a copy of the
statement; and (b) a declaration, in the approved form,
about the financial operation of the land trust for the
financial year. (3) Each annual
financial statement
prepared under
this section
include the following— (a) a balance
sheet; (b) a profit and loss statement;
Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Part 2
Provisions about land trusts [s 29]
(c) other information or documents the
land trust considers relevant to the financial operation of
the land trust. 29 Audit requirements (1)
land trust must have its accounts audited for each financial
by a person who is— (a) a member of CPA Australia who is
entitled to use the letters ‘CPA’ or ‘FCPA’; or
(b) a member of The Institute of Chartered
Accountants in Australia who
is entitled to
use the letters
‘CA’ or
‘FCA’; or (c)
member of the Institute of Public Accountants who is
entitled to use the letters ‘MIPA’ or
‘FIPA’; or (d) a person approved in writing by the
chief executive as having the
necessary skills
and experience for
conducting the audit. (2)
The land trust
must ensure
the audit is
completed, and
it receives the
audit report,
by 30 November
in the financial
year after
the financial year
for which the
accounts are
audited. (3)
The land trust
must give
the chief executive
a copy of
the audit report
by 31 December
in the financial
year after
the financial year for which the accounts
are audited. (4) Despite subsections (1) to (3), a land
trust is not required to have its accounts audited for a
financial year if the land trust’s total income
from all sources for the financial year is not more
$20000. Division 5 General
meetings 30 Holding general meetings
(1) A land trust must hold an annual
general meeting as soon as practicable after the end of each
financial year. Page 14 Current as at 26
July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
2 Provisions about land trusts [s 31]
(2) However, a
land trust
need not
hold a
meeting under
subsection (1) if— (a)
the land trust’s
total income
from all
sources for
the financial year is not more than
$20000; and (b) the land trust was not required, under
its rules, to hold an election in
the financial year
for members of
its executive committee; and
(c) the executive committee of the land
trust considers there are no items of business for an annual
general meeting. (3) A land trust may hold a special
general meeting at any time. (4)
general meeting must be called and held in the way required
under the rules of the land trust.
(5) Subsection (4) is subject to section
31. 31 Chief executive may call general
meeting (1) This section applies if—
(a) at least 3 members of a land trust ask
the chief executive in writing to call a general meeting of the
land trust; and (b) the chief executive is
satisfied— (i) the holding of the meeting is for a
purpose relevant to the land trust; and (ii)
it is appropriate in
the circumstances to
hold the
meeting. (2)
chief executive may, by written notice given to the land
trust and each member of the land trust,
call a general meeting of the land trust. (3)
chief executive, or another person approved by the chief
executive, is the chairperson of the
meeting. (4) The quorum for the meeting is—
(a) the number of members, decided by the
chief executive before the
meeting is
held, that
the chief executive
considers appropriate in the circumstances;
or Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Part 2
Provisions about land trusts [s 32]
(b) if paragraph (a) does not apply—3
members. 32 Material to be given to chief
executive (1) As soon
as practicable after
a land trust
holds an
annual general meeting
after the end of a financial year, it must give the chief
executive— (a) a copy of the minutes of the meeting;
and (b) a compliance statement for the
financial year; and (c) the names and addresses of all the
current members of the land trust; and (d)
name of each member of the land trust’s executive
committee, and the position held by the
member; and (e) a contact
telephone number
for the chairperson and
secretary of the land trust; and
(f) the land trust’s address for the
service of documents and a contact telephone number for the
land trust. (2) If, under section 30(2), a land trust
need not hold an annual general meeting after the end of a
financial year, the land trust must as soon as
practicable after the end of the financial year give the chief
executive— (a) a compliance statement for the
financial year; and (b) the names and addresses of all the
current members of the land trust; and (c)
name of each member of the land trust’s executive
committee, and the position held by the
member; and (d) a contact
telephone number
for the chairperson and
secretary of the land trust; and
(e) the land trust’s address for the
service of documents and a contact telephone number for the
land trust. (3) In this section— compliance
statement , for a financial year, means a
statement in the approved form about a land trust’s
compliance in the Page 16 Current as at 26
July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
2 Provisions about land trusts [s 33]
financial year with the obligations imposed
on it under the Act and the rules of the land trust.
33 Land trust to keep minutes of
meetings A land trust must keep minutes of its
general meetings. Division 6 Dissolution of
land trust and transfer of trust property
34 Dissolution of land trust if
transferred land becomes granted land (1)
section applies if— (a) the whole
of an area
of transferred land
becomes granted land;
and (b) a land trust was formed to hold the
transferred land; and (c) the Minister
appoints an entity other than the land trust to hold the deed
of grant for the granted land. (2)
Minister must, by gazette notice, dissolve the land trust
formed to hold the transferred land.
(3) When the land trust is dissolved, all
its property, rights and liabilities become
the property, rights
and liabilities of
the entity that holds the granted
land. 35 Transfer of property if part of
transferred land becomes granted land (1)
section applies if— (a) a part of transferred land becomes
granted land; and (b) a land trust was formed to hold the
transferred land; and (c) the Minister
appoints an entity other than the land trust (the
entity ) to hold the deed of grant for the
granted land. Current as at 26
July 2013 Page 17
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Part 3
Code of conduct about mining leases [s 36]
(2) The Minister must by gazette
notice— (a) set out the description of the land as
set out in the deed of grant held by the new entity; and
(b) state the property, rights and
liabilities of the land trust that are to
become the property, rights or liabilities of the new
entity. (3) On publication of the gazette notice,
the stated property, rights and liabilities
of the land trust become the property, rights and
liabilities of the new entity.
3 Code of conduct about mining
leases 36
of conduct about mining leases (1)
section applies if— (a) the proposed conditions of a mining
interest that is to be created in relation to Aboriginal land
include a code of conduct; or (b)
a term of
the trustee’s consent
to the creation
of a mining interest
in Aboriginal land is, or is to be, that the conditions to
which the mining interest will be subject include a code
of conduct. (2) The trustee
of Aboriginal land,
for section 98
of the Act,
must— (a)
explain to the Aboriginal people
particularly concerned with the land, the nature, purpose and
effect of the code of conduct; and (b)
give the
Aboriginal people
a suitable opportunity to
express their
views about
the creation of
a mining interest subject
to the code. Page 18 Current as at 26
July 2013
4 Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
4 Mining royalties [s 37] Mining
royalties 37 Prescribed percentage—Act, s
203 (1) For section 203(2) of the Act, the
percentage of the royalty amount received in a financial year
is— (a) 100% of
each $1
of the royalty
amount up
to and including, but
not more than, the threshold amount for paragraph (a);
and (b) 50% of each $1 of the royalty amount
that is more than the threshold amount
for paragraph (a)
but not more
the threshold amount for paragraph (b); and (c)
33.32% of each $1 of the royalty amount that
is more than the
threshold amount
for paragraph (b)
but not more than the
threshold amount for paragraph (c); and (d)
of each $1 of the royalty amount that is more than
the threshold amount
for paragraph (c)
but not more
the threshold amount for paragraph (d); and (e)
of each $1 of the royalty amount that is more than
threshold amount for paragraph (d). (2)
this section— consumer price index means the all
groups consumer price index for Brisbane published by the
Australian Statistician. threshold amount —
(a) for the financial year ending 30 June
2011— (i) for paragraph (a), means $100000;
and (ii) for paragraph
(b), means $200000; and (iii) for paragraph
(c), means $500000; and (iv) for paragraph
(d), means $1000000; and (b) for a later
financial year—for paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d),
means the
threshold amount
for the particular paragraph for
the financial year immediately preceding the
later financial
year (the
previous financial
year )
Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Part 5
Appeals to Land Appeal Court [s 38]
increased by the consumer price index for
the previous financial year. Part 5
Appeals to Land Appeal Court
38 Application of pt 5
part applies for section 233 of the Act. 39
Starting appeal to Land Appeal Court
(1) A party to a proceeding before the
Land Tribunal may appeal, or seek
leave to
appeal, against
a decision of
the tribunal mentioned
in section 233
of the Act,
by giving a
written notice of
appeal— (a) to the registrar of the Land Appeal
Court; and (b) to all other parties to the proceeding
before the tribunal or a party’s authorised agent; and
(c) to the registrar of the
tribunal. (2) The notice
must be
given no
later than
42 days after
the tribunal’s decision was given to the
party. (3) If— (a)
than 5 Aboriginal people made the land claim the
subject of the decision that is appealed
against; or (b) more than 5 other people have a common
interest in the appeal; the registrar of
the Land Appeal Court may, on application by the party who is
appealing, provide for substituted service as the registrar
considers reasonable. Page 20 Current as at 26
July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
5 Appeals to Land Appeal Court [s 40]
40 Court may accept some noncompliance
with s 39 (1) This section applies if a party to a
proceeding before the Land Tribunal— (a)
complies with section 39, other than section
39(2), no later than 70 days after the tribunal’s
decision was given to the party and the Land Appeal Court is
satisfied the party’s reasons for the noncompliance are
reasonable; or (b) does not
comply with
section 39
because the
party’s notice of appeal
is defective and the Land Appeal Court decides the
defect does not result in a detriment to the person on whom
it was served and does not mislead the registrar of the
Land Appeal Court. (2) The party is taken to have complied
with section 39 for the proceeding. 41
parties may give notice of appearance A person
who— (a) is given a notice of appeal;
and (b) is interested in the appeal;
become a party to the appeal by giving the registrar of the
Land Appeal
Court a
written notice
of appearance no
later than 30 days
after the person was given the notice of appeal.
42 Parties to prepare summary of
arguments and of new evidence (1)
A party to
an appeal must
give the
registrar of
the Land Appeal Court,
and any other party who has given a written notice of
appearance, a written summary of— (a)
arguments the party intends to make at the hearing of
appeal; and (b) any new
evidence the
party intends
to produce at
the hearing of the appeal; and
Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Part 6
Declarations [s 43] (c)
names, addresses and occupations of the witnesses
through whom
it is proposed
to adduce any
new evidence. (2)
written summary must be given at least 7 days before the
on which the hearing of the appeal is to start. (3)
Evidence not included in the summary under
subsection (1) may be adduced
at the hearing
of the appeal
only with
the consent of the Land Appeal Court given
on the terms as to costs and
adjournments, and
the conditions, the
court considers
appropriate. 43 Legal representation
party to an appeal may be represented by the party’s lawyer
agent. 44 Forms for appeals If
a form for
a type of
court document
is approved for
use under the Land Court Rules
2000 , a party to an appeal must
use the form,
with necessary
changes, when
the party is
required to give a form of that type.
6 Declarations 45
land that is available State land—Act, s 27 For
section 27(1)
of the Act,
the tidal land
described in
schedule 1 is declared to be available State
land. 46 Available State land that is
transferable land—Act, s 10 For
section 10(1)(e)
of the Act,
the available State
land described in
schedule 2 is declared to be transferable land. Page 22
Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
7 Miscellaneous provision [s 47] 47
Available State land that is claimable
land—Act, s 23 For section 23(1)(a)
of the Act,
the available State
land described in
schedule 3 is declared to be claimable land. 48
Aboriginal reserve land—Act, s 12
For section 12(1)
of the Act,
it is declared
that the
land described in
schedule 4 was, at the beginning of the enactment
being used as an Aboriginal reserve or for the benefit of
Aboriginal people. 49
References to plans In schedules 1
to 4, a reference to a plan is a reference to a plan held by,
and available for inspection in, the department.
7 Miscellaneous provision 50
Application of provisions for particular
land (1) This section applies to land
that— (a) is granted under part 4 of the Act;
and (b) is held for the benefit of Aboriginal
people and Torres Strait Islanders particularly concerned with
the land, and their ancestors and descendants.
(2) Sections 15, 22 and 36 apply in
relation to the land— (a) as if the
reference in section 15(4), definition individual to an Aboriginal
person particularly concerned with the land
included a
reference to
a Torres Strait
Islander particularly
concerned with the land; and (b)
if the reference in section 22(a) to Aboriginal people
included a reference to Torres Strait
Islanders; and Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Part 8
Repeal and transitional provisions [s 51]
(c) as if
the reference in
section 36(2)(a)
to Aboriginal people
particularly concerned with the land included a reference
to Torres Strait
Islanders particularly concerned with
the land; and (d) as if
the reference in
section 36(2)(b)
to Aboriginal people included
a reference to Torres Strait Islanders. Part 8
Repeal and transitional provisions Division 1
Repeal 51
Repeal The
Aboriginal Land
Regulation 1991,
SL No. 218
is repealed. Division 2
Transitional provisions 52
Definition for div 2 In this
division— commencement means the day
this division commences. 53 Members of
executive committee continue in office (1)
This section
applies to
a person who
is the chairperson, deputy
chairperson, secretary
or other office
holder on
the executive committee
of a land
trust immediately before
the commencement. Page 24
Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
8 Repeal and transitional provisions [s 54]
(2) On the
commencement, the
person continues
as the chairperson, deputy
chairperson, secretary
or other office
holder on the executive committee of the
land trust. 54 Land trust’s adopted rules
continue (1) This section applies to a land trust
in existence immediately before the commencement.
(2) The adopted
rules of
the land trust
under the
repealed regulation are
taken to be the land trust’s adopted rules under
regulation. 55 Continuing operation of particular
provisions of repealed regulation (1)
section applies— (a) to an
Aboriginal land
claim association incorporated under
the repealed regulation and
in existence immediately
before the commencement; and (b)
until the
day that is
3 years after
the commencement; and
(c) despite the repeal of the repealed
regulation. (2) The following provisions of the
repealed regulation continue in force for the
purpose of the dissolution or winding-up of the association— (a)
section 2,
to the extent
it includes the
following definitions— (i)
association; (ii)
claim; (iii) land claim
purposes; (iv) public
officer; (b) sections 16 to 18. (3)
If a provision
that is
continued in
force under
this section
imposes an obligation on an entity or
provides for an entity to Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Part 8
Repeal and transitional provisions [s 56]
take a
particular action
in relation to
the dissolution or
winding-up of an Aboriginal land claim
association, while the provision is continued in
force— (a) the obligation continues to be imposed
on the entity; and (b) the entity may take the action.
56 Chief executive may dissolve
Aboriginal land claim associations (1)
section applies— (a) to an
Aboriginal land
claim association incorporated under
the repealed regulation and
in existence on
the commencement; and (b)
until the
day that is
3 years after
the commencement; and
(c) if the
chief executive
is satisfied the
association is
no longer needed for land claim
purposes. (2) The chief executive may give the
association a written notice stating—
(a) the chief executive intends to
dissolve the association; and (b)
reason for the proposed dissolution; and (c)
the association may make written representations to
chief executive about the proposed dissolution; and
(d) the reasonable period, of at least 3
months, in which the representations may be made.
(3) The chief
executive must
consider all
representations made
under subsection (2). (4)
after considering all representations made under subsection
the chief executive is satisfied the association is no
longer needed for land claim purposes, the chief
executive may, by gazette notice, dissolve the
association. (5) The dissolution of
the association has
effect on
the day the
gazette notice is published.
26 Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
8 Repeal and transitional provisions [s 56]
(6) If the
association is
dissolved under
this section,
the assets and liabilities
of the association vest in the State. Current as at 26
July 2013 Page 27
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Schedule 1 Schedule 1
Tidal land that is available State
land section 45 1
tidal land in lot 92 on SP224298, County of
Solander, Parish of Alexandra 2
32 on SP189950, County of Norman, Parish of Kimberley
28 Current as at 26 July 2013
Schedule 2 Aboriginal Land
Regulation 2011 Schedule 2 Available State
land that is transferable land section 46
1 lot 2 on SP218859, County of Bauhinia,
Parish of Bauhinia, area of 1.072ha 2
77 on SP218860, County of Bauhinia, Parish of Bauhinia,
of 5.755ha 3 lot 2
on SP125433, County
of Cardwell, Parish
of Rockingham, area of 10.86ha
4 lot 3
on SP171843, County
of Cardwell, Parish
of Rockingham, area of 10.43ha
5 lot 2 on SP171837, County of Solander,
Parish of Clerk, area of 2.362ha 6
3 on SP171837, County of Solander, Parish of Clerk, area
1.454ha 7 lot 372
on SP224308, counties
of Banks and
Solander, parishes
of Gore, Monkhouse, Clerk
and Phipps, area
of 20300ha 8
lot 272 on
SP224301, County
of Solander, parishes
of Bloomfield, Clerk, Noah, Tribulation
and Alexandra, area of 33490ha 9
lots 2
and 3 on
SP226636, County
of Banks, Parish
of Monkhouse, area of 77.98ha
10 lot 60 on SP215750, County of Banks,
parishes of Annan and Monkhouse, area of 1010ha
11 lots 53 and 100 on SP224327, County of
Solander, Parish of Alexandra, area of 3401.45ha
12 lot 55 on SP224300, County of
Solander, Parish of Clerk, area of
223.7ha 13 lots 58 and 59 on SP204110, County of
Solander, Parish of Whyanbeel, area of 353.65ha
Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Schedule 2 14
65 and 99 on SP217464, County of Solander, Parish of
Alexandra, area of 5.749ha
15 lot 71 on SP224299, County of
Solander, Parish of Dagmar, area of
3163ha 16 lot 172
on SP224303, County
of Solander, Parish
of Clerk, area of
148.2ha 17 lot 74
on SP224314, County
of Solander, Parish
of Tribulation, area of 3.259ha
18 lots 78 and 79 on SP215748, County of
Solander, Parish of Phipps, area of 3.086ha 19
lot 80 on
SP224316, County
of Solander, Parish
of Tribulation, area of 5.867ha
20 lots 81 and 220 on SP222583, County of
Solander, Parish of Whyanbeel, area of 238.563ha
21 lots 44 and 61 on SP224317, County of
Solander, Parish of Whyanbeel, area of 46.289ha
22 lot 92 on SP224298, County of
Solander, Parish of Alexandra, area of
77.14ha 23 lots 19 and 23 on SP224288, County of
Solander, Parish of Whyanbeel, area of 57.25ha
24 lot 226
on SP224320, County
of Solander, Parish
of Alexandra, area of 71.028ha
25 lot 173
on BK15769, County
of Solander, Parish
of Alexandra, area of 79.217ha
26 lot 272
on BK15780, County
of Solander, Parish
of Alexandra, area of 17.1874ha
27 lots 165,
166 and 167
on N157119, County
of Solander, Parish of
Victory, area of 1.5478ha 28 lot
33 on SR118,
County of
Solander, Parish
of Alexandra, area of
43.68ha 29 lot 141
on SP224302, County
of Solander, Parish
of Alexandra, area of 164.14ha
30 Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Schedule 2 30
18 on BS18, County of Banks, Parish of Monkhouse, area
1.214ha 31 lot 157 on SP215738, County of Banks,
Parish of Monkhouse, area of 9.082ha 32
32 on SP104237, County of Solander, Parish of Alexandra,
of 57.32ha 33 lot 225 on SP215749, County of
Solander, Parish of Dagmar, area of
1.634ha 34 lot 34 on SP224319, County of
Solander, Parish of Alexandra, area of
21.32ha 35 lot 245
on SP219631, County
of Solander, Parish
of Alexandra, area of 0.8ha
36 lot 246
on SP219632, County
of Solander, Parish
of Alexandra, area of 0.1406ha
37 lot 32 on SP189950, County of Norman,
Parish of Kimberley, area of 1089.54ha 38
lot 1 on
SP241428, County
of Elphinstone, Parish
of Magnetic, area of 6.282ha
39 lot 1 on SP143248, County of
Murchison, Parish of Waverley, area of
21.85ha 40 lot 1 on SP245945, County of Clinton,
Parish of Auckland, area of 3.297ha 41
lot 38 on
SP247304, County
of Cardwell, Parish
of Rockingham, area of 27.93ha
42 lot 2
on SP247308, County
of Cardwell, Parish
of Rockingham, area of 28.86ha
43 lot 634
on SP247307, County
of Cardwell, Parish
of Rockingham, area of 10.7534ha
44 lots 2,
4, 5 and
22 on SP241405,
counties of
Dulhunty, Shelburne
and York, parishes
of Bazley, Berney,
Bethell, Blane,
Boothby, Loftus,
Lovaine, Suffield,
Templemore, Thring and
Trevor, area of 241637ha 45 lot
48 on SP142707,
County of
Torres, Parish
of Port Kennedy, area of
62.81ha Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Schedule 2 46
131 and 132 on SP218277, County of Cardwell, Parish of
Meunga, area of 2.1371ha 47
199 on SP252222, County of Nares, Parish of Hull, area of
11.7ha 48
341 and 646 on SP252229, County of Cardwell, Parish of
Rockingham, area of 52.225ha
49 lot 623
on SP241402, County
of Pera, Parish
of Urquhart, area of
533.3ha 50 lot 624 on SP241403, County of Pera,
Parish of Stanmore and Rosemead, area of 1529ha
51 lot 2
on SP241427, County
of Weymouth, Parish
of Weymouth, area of 1.526ha
52 lot 37
on USL8141, County
of Melville, Parish
of Ninian, area of
1ha 53 lots 17, 18 and 19 on ROP108,
County of Roper, Parish of
Burwood, area of 1.0926ha
54 lots 10, 19, 23 and 37 on SP157919,
County of Cook, Parish of Burrum, area of 188.922ha
32 Current as at 26 July 2013
Schedule 3 Aboriginal Land
Regulation 2011 Schedule 3 Available State
land that is claimable land section 47
1 Land contained
in lot 17
on plan NPW627
situated in
the counties of
Gregory, Mueller
and Morstone, containing an
area of
about 282000ha
and known as
Lawn Hill
National Park.
Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Schedule 4 Schedule 4
Aboriginal reserve land section 48
1 R2048 (Reserve for scenic (bora
ground) purposes), being lot 193 on plan
SL4360, County of Stanley, Parish of Samford, area of
1.985ha Page 34 Current as at 26
July 2013
Schedule 5 Dictionary Aboriginal Land
Regulation 2011 Schedule 5 section 3
adopted rules , of a land
trust, see section 11(1). commencement , for part 8,
division 2, see section 52. general
meeting means an annual general meeting or
special general meeting. land
claim means a claim under the Act for claimable
land. meeting , for part 2,
division 2, subdivision 2, see section 13. rules
, of
a land trust, means the rules of the land trust as in
force from time to time. total
income ,
for a land
trust in
a financial year,
does not
include any
amount it
receives by
way of a
grant, if
expenditure of
the grant is
accounted for
by the land
trust under
financial reporting
and acquittance requirements provided for
under the terms of the grant. Current as at 26
July 2013 Page 35
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Endnotes Endnotes
1 Index to endnotes Page
2 Date to which amendments incorporated
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.36 3 Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .36 4 Table of reprints
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 5
of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
6 List of annotations . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .39 2 Date to which amendments
incorporated This is the reprint date mentioned in
the Reprints Act 1992 , section 5(c).
Accordingly, this reprint includes all amendments that
commenced operation on or before 26 July 2013. Future amendments
of the Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
be made in accordance with this reprint under the
Reprints Act 1992 , section
49. 3 Key Key to
abbreviations in list of legislation and annotations
Key AIA amd
amdt ch def
div exp gaz
hdg ins lap
notfd num
o in
c om orig p
para prec pres
prev Explanation =
Interpretation Act 1954 = amended
= amendment =
chapter =
definition =
division =
expires/expired =
gazette =
heading =
inserted =
lapsed =
notified =
numbered =
order in council =
omitted =
original =
page =
paragraph =
preceding =
present =
previous Page 36
Key (prev) proc
prov pt
pubd R[X]
RA reloc renum
rep (retro) rv
s sch sdiv
sub unnum Explanation =
previously =
proclamation =
provision =
part =
published =
Reprint No. [X] =
Reprints Act 1992 =
relocated =
renumbered =
repealed =
retrospectively =
revised version =
section =
schedule =
subdivision =
Statutory Instruments Act 1992
= Statutory Instruments Regulation
2002 = subordinate legislation
= substituted =
unnumbered Current as at 26
July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Endnotes 4
Table of reprints A new reprint of
the legislation is prepared by the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel each time a change to the legislation
takes effect. The notes column for this reprint gives
details of any discretionary editorial powers under
the Reprints Act 1992 used by the
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel in
preparing it. Section 5(c) and (d) of the Act
are not mentioned as they contain mandatory requirements that
all amendments be
included and
all necessary consequential amendments be
incorporated, whether of punctuation, numbering or another kind.
Further details of the use of any discretionary
editorial power noted in the table can be obtained by
contacting the Office of the Queensland
Parliamentary Counsel by telephone on 3237 0466 or email
legislation.queries@oqpc.qld.gov.au. From
29 January 2013,
all Queensland reprints
are dated and
authorised by
the Parliamentary Counsel. The previous
numbering system and distinctions between printed
electronic reprints is not continued with the relevant details for
historical reprints included in this table. Reprint
No. 1 1A
1B 1C 1D
1E Amendments included
none 2011 SL No. 190 2011 SL No.
282 2012 SL No. 66 2012 SL No.
67 2012 SL No. 173 2012 SL No.
233 Effective 9 September
2011 30 September 2011 9 December
2011 8 June 2012 5 October
2012 14 December 2012 Notes
Current as at 22 February
2013 19 April 2013 10 May 2013
July 2013 19 July 2013 26 July
2013 Amendments included 2013 SL No.
20 2013 SL No. 51 2013 SL No.
62 2013 SL No. 137 2013 SL No.
142 2013 SL No. 147 Notes
5 List of legislation
Regulatory impact statements
subordinate legislation that has a regulatory impact statement,
specific reference to the statement is included in
this list. Explanatory notes All subordinate
legislation made on or after 1 January 2011 has an explanatory
note. For subordinate legislation made before 1 January 2011
that has an explanatory note, specific reference to the note
is included in this list. Current as at 26
July 2013 Page 37
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Endnotes Aboriginal Land
Regulation 2011 SL No. 175 made by the Governor in Council on 8
September 2011 notfd gaz 9 September 2011 pp 100–3
1–2 commenced on date of notification remaining
provisions commenced
9 September 2011
immediately after
the commencement of the Aboriginal Land
and Torres Strait Islander Land and Other Legislation
Amendment Act 2011 s 90 (see s 2 and 2011 SL No. 173)
exp 1
September 2022 (see SIA s 54) Note—The expiry
date may have changed since this reprint was published. See
the latest reprint of the SIR for any
change. amending legislation— Financial
Accountability and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1)
2011 SL No. 190 pts 1–2 notfd gaz 30
September 2011 pp 238–40 commenced on date of
notification Aboriginal Land Amendment Regulation (No. 6)
2011 SL No. 282 notfd gaz 9 December 2011 pp 729–35
1–2 commenced on date of notification s 5 commenced 9
December 2011 immediately after the commencement of s 4 (see
s 2) remaining provisions commenced on date
of notification Aboriginal Land Amendment Regulation (No. 1)
2012 SL No. 66 notfd gaz 8 June 2012 pp 276–7
commenced on date of notification
Aboriginal Land Amendment Regulation (No. 2)
2012 SL No. 67 notfd gaz 8 June 2012 pp 276–7
commenced on date of notification
Aboriginal Land Amendment Regulation (No. 3)
2012 SL No. 173 notfd gaz 5 October 2012 pp 182–3
commenced on date of notification
Aboriginal Land Amendment Regulation (No. 4)
2012 SL No. 233 notfd gaz 14 December 2012 pp 548–52
commenced on date of notification
Aboriginal Land Amendment Regulation (No. 1)
2013 SL No. 20 notfd gaz 22 February 2013 pp 291–2
commenced on date of notification
Aboriginal Land Amendment Regulation (No. 2)
2013 SL No. 51 notfd gaz 19 April 2013 pp 535-6
commenced on date of notification
Aboriginal Land Amendment Regulation (No. 3)
2013 SL No. 62 notfd gaz 10 May 2013 pp 49–50
commenced on date of notification
38 Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Endnotes Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Land Legislation Amendment Regulation
(No. 1) 2013 SL No. 137 pts 1–2
gaz 12 July 2013 pp 850–1 commenced on date of
notification Aboriginal Land Amendment Regulation (No. 4)
2013 SL No. 142 notfd gaz 19 July 2013 pp 884–5
commenced on date of notification
Aboriginal Land Amendment Regulation (No. 5)
2013 SL No. 147 notfd gaz 26 July 2013 pp 912–13
commenced on date of notification
6 List of annotations
deputy chairperson and secretary—appointment s 8
2013 SL No. 137 s 3 Division 2—Rules of land trusts
Adoption of rules s 11
2013 SL No. 137 s 4 Content of adopted rules s 12
2013 SL No. 137 s 5 Subdivision 3—Rule about filling executive
offices sdiv hdg prev sdiv 3 hdg
om 2013 SL No. 137 s 6 pres sdiv 3 hdg (prev sdiv 4 hdg)
renum 2013 SL No. 137 s 7 Application of sdiv 3
18 om 2013 SL No. 137 s 6 Resolution of
executive committee without meeting s 19
2013 SL No. 137 s 6 Division 3—Trust property div hdg
div 3 hdg om 2013 SL No. 137 s 8 pres div 3 hdg
(prev div 4 hdg) renum 2013 SL No. 137 s 9 Information about
appointment, removal or resignation of members s 21
2013 SL No. 137 s 8 Division 4—Accounts, annual financial
statements and audit requirements div hdg
div 5 hdg) renum 2013 SL No. 137 s 9 Audit
requirements s 29 amd 2011 SL No. 190 s 3
Division 5—General meetings
hdg (prev div 6 hdg) renum 2013 SL No. 137 s
9 Current as at 26 July 2013
Aboriginal Land Regulation 2011
Endnotes Division
6—Dissolution of land trust and transfer of trust property
hdg (prev div 7 hdg) renum 2013 SL No. 137 s
LAND amd 2011 SL No. 282 s 4 SCHEDULE
2011 SL No. 282 s 5; 2012 SL No. 66 s 3; 2012 SL No. 67 s 3; 2012
SL No. 173 s 3; 2012 SL No. 233 s 3; 2013 SL
No. 20 s 3; 2013 SL No. 51 s 3; 2013 SL No. 62 s
3; 2013 SL No. 142 s 3; 2013 SL No. 147 s 3 © State of
Queensland 2013 Authorised by the Parliamentary
Counsel Page 40 Current as at 26
July 2013